2021: the Widow's Mite

As we were starting Hemeez, one of the things we were resolute about was donating 10% of our profits to a charity that you were able to choose, when you purchased our product. We are a small mom-and-pop business and so the donation money that was given at the end of this last year were small, in comparison to larger companies. Still, it was extremely touching to be able to give it. The 3 charities that we were able to give to were Operation Underground Railroad, a non-profit that helps rescue and rehabilitate victims of sex trafficking; LDS Philanthropy, which is an umbrella organization that serves all over the world through organizations like Unicef; and Shriner’s hospital, which helps families of those receiving treatment at their facilities.

Because of your business, you have changed the life of someone you don’t know. I like to think of our little donation to each of these charities as the ‘widow’s mite’, which is found in the scriptures. It may seem so small, but our Heavenly Father loves even small efforts. They come from the heart. And we wanted to thank you again for making 2021 a great year to give to others and change lives. We look forward to all of the wonderful opportunities to serve. Thank you and God bless!