Travelling with Hemorrhoids

My husband and I took a trip to a tropical place a few months ago. It was a highly anticipated trip. We have 5 kids and we were looking forward to time to connect, relaxation, and tranquility. What I was not expecting was my hemorrhoids to make a diabolical entrance. What caused it? It was likely a combination of standing in line at security, sitting for hours in the same position on the plane, and parking in budget (aka-3 miles away) carrying a heavy bag. By the time we got to our hotel, I was in real pain. And of course, I didn’t even think to pack Hem-eez. I was desperate to find anything I could in the incidental store downstairs in the hotel. They had a well known hemorrhoid cream, that I won’t mention. It did nothing. So, I used ice and I grinned and bore it. I couldn’t do what I wanted to do on my trip. Those long walks on the beach were non-existent. As much as I enjoyed the vacation, all of those memories of how life-changing having hemorrhoids can be, all came rushing back. I didn’t have Hemorrhoids until after the birth of my last child. I immediately tried Hem-eez and no more hemorrhoids. And when flare-ups happened, I would take Hem-eez and within 24 hours, voila! They were pretty much gone. As soon as I walked through the door from vacation, I literally headed for the medicine cabinet and took my first dose of Hem-eez. Like clock-work, within 24 hours, I felt immense relief. By day 2, gone. GONE!!! I can’t imagine my life without Hem-eez. I’m sure it would involve doctors visits, drugs, gadgets, possibly surgery. But, it doesn’t. It doesn’t need to. All I know is that I definitely will not leave home without it. Safe and Pain-free travels everyone!

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