How can Hem-eez help with hemorrhoids?


Scientific research shows that Hem-eez’ special patented proprietary blend of flavonoids, flavones and flavonols support and increase capillary strength and support, reduce varicose veins,  and decreases rectal and anal pressure, the underlying cause of hemorrhoids.  

Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the veins in the anus and rectum Several types of hemorrhoids exist:

External Hemorrhoids form on the outside of the anal verge (the distal end of the anal canal).  These types of hemorrhoids are painful, and are usually accompanied by swelling and irritation. External hemorrhoids are prone to becoming thrombosed when the vein ruptures and forms a blood clot in the hemorrhoid.  When this happens the hemorrhoid is referred to as a Thrombosed Hemorrhoid.

Internal Hemorrhoids occur inside the rectum and are usually not painful.  The main symptom of Internal Hemorrhoids is the presence of blood in the stool when the hemorrhoid becomes irritated.  When an internal hemorrhoid becomes so swollen that protrudes outside the anal verge, the hemorrhoid is called a Prolapsed Hemorrhoid.   Prolapsed hemorrhoids, which are pushed outside the rectum, can cause Strangulated Hemorrhoids, when the anal sphincter muscle suffers from spasms cutting off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid.

What causes Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are caused by an increase in pressure (and restriction of blood flow) in the veins that are found in the anus and rectum. Many factors can contribute to hemorrhoids including (but certainly not limited to):

1. Poor circulation
2. Straining during a bowel movement
3. Heavy lifting
4. Prolonged standing or sitting on concrete and hard surfaces
5. Obesity
6. Pregnancy
7. Poor diet

What are some common medical and home treatments of Hemorrhoids?
Many options exist in the treatment of this condition, deciding the best option for you is critical.  Several surgeries and procedures exist and are readily available:

1. Rubber band ligation aka Baron Ligation: During rubber band ligation, elastic bands are applied to an internal hemorrhoid cutting off blood supply to the hemorrhoid and causing the hemorrhoid to be pulled off during a bowel movement.

2. Hemorrhoidolysis/Galvanic Electrotherapy: The desiccation of the hemorrhoid by an electrical current

3. Sclerotherapy: The process of injecting a hardening agent into the hemorrhoid causing the walls of the veins to collapse and the hemorrhoid to shrivel up.

4. Laser/Infrared Electricity: A process that cauterizes the hemorrhoid

5. Stapled Hemorrhoidectomy: A procedure for prolapsed hemorrhoids that resects soft tissue close to the dentate line which stops the blood flow to the hemorrhoid.

6. Enemas: Using suppositories to cause bowel movements and ease constipation, a cause of hemorrhoids.

What are preventative measures that can be taken to prevent or decrease the occurrence of hemorrhoids?
Prevention of hemorrhoids is quite simple, and cost-effective.  Taking some prevention methods that help decrease the occurrence of hemorrhoids:

1. Take Hem-eez to reduce and heal hemorrhoids
2. Eat food rich in fiber
3. Exercise to promote cardiovascular health
4. Refrain from extended amounts of standing, sitting, or crossing of the legs.
5. Practice good posture
6. Reduce intake or cut out foods rich in sugar
7. Stay hydrated with water and cut back on sodas and coffee

Following these steps help reduce and/or eradicate the presence of hemorrhoids in your life.