HEM-EEZ AND headaches

What happens during a headache?


Nociceptors (the ends of the pain-sensitive nerves) are stimulated by stress, muscular tension, dilated blood vessels, and other headache triggers, and send a message to the nerve cells in the brain, signaling that a part of the body hurts.

How do headaches differ?
There are two main types of headache, primary and secondary 

Why do I get headaches?
There are several main causes for primary and secondary headaches involving blood flow. 

Migraine Headaches can be caused by reduced blood flow to various areas of the cerebral cortex.

  • Symptoms of migraines include sensitivity to light and noise, nausea and vomiting and intense throbbing pain on one side of the head.

Tension Headaches are caused by muscular strains in the head and neck and/or emotional stress. 

  • Tension headaches are a dull, steady aching pain on both sides of the head.

  • Sometimes tension headaches develop into throbbing headaches, leading researches to believe that they are related to migraines.

  • Also Eye Strain (poor Vision) can trigger frequent tension headaches

Cluster Headaches occur repeatedly over a period of weeks or even months.

  • Headache pain typically occurs on one side of the head and can be centered around the eye.

  • Expert doctors seem to think cluster headaches are caused by changes in blood flow.

Secondary Headaches account for fewer than 10% of all headaches, and include headaches that result from medical conditions. These may also be referred to as Traction Headaches or Inflammatory Headaches.

Statistics about headaches
According to The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS):

  • As many as 45 million Americans have chronic severe headaches that can be disabling.

  • Headaches result in more than 8 million doctor visits a year.

  • Migraine sufferers lose more than 157 million workdays because of headache pain.The American Council for Headache Education reports that during the past year, nearly 90 percent of men and 95 percent of women have had at least one headache.